Only people who are seriously ill can leave the country. فقط الناص المصابون بمرض خطير يمكنهم ترك البلاد
But then she fell seriously ill and had to quit لكن حينما سقطت بشدة في المرض كان لابد أن اترك الدراسة
She has no idea how seriously ill you are. ليس لديها فكرة عن خطورة مرضك
I'm told this compromise with your conscience made you seriously ill afterwards. وقيل لي أن تطويعك لضميرك قد تسبب لك بالسقم الشديد بعدها
He's never been seriously ill in his life. لم يكن مريضاً جداً بحياته
None of them became seriously ill and they are recovering quickly. ولم يصب أي منهم بمرض خطير، وهم يتعافون بسرعة.
Around 1749, Priestley became seriously ill and believed he was dying. في حوالي عام 1749 م أُصيب بريستلي بعلة خطيرة واعتقد بأنه سيموت.
In 1901 he became seriously ill with rheumatism and could not exercise his profession. منذ عام 1968 بدأ يعاني من شلل في الدماغ عجز معه عن القيام بواجباته.
About that same time, a new need emerged—the need for a pediatric hospital to care for seriously ill and injured children. الحاجة إلى مستشفى للأطفال لرعاية الأطفال المصابين بجروح خطيرة.
The physician who visited me told me her daughter was seriously ill and had been for a long time. . الطبيب الذى زارنى أخبرنى أن أبنتها كانت مريضة جداً . وكان لفترة طويلة